[121] | Computing Absolutely Normal Numbers in Nearly Linear Time (J. H. Lutz and E. Mayordomo), In Information and Computation, to appear. |
[120] | Properties and Performance Bounds for Timed Marked Graphs (Javier Campos, Giovanni Chiola, José-Manuel Colom and Manuel Silva), In IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, volume 39, 1992. |
[119] | Analysis tools applied to VHDL (Serafín Olcoz), In Microprocessing and Microprogramming, volume 38, 1993. |
[118] | Petri Nets applied to the modelling and analysis of computer architecture problems (Manuel Silva), In Microprocessing and Microprogramming, volume 38, 1993. |
[117] | Approximate Throughput Computation of Stochastic Marked Graphs (Javier Campos, José-Manuel Colom, Hauke Jungnitz and Manuel Silva), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, volume 20, 1994. |
[116] | A Petri net based deadlock prevention policy for flexible manufacturing systems (Joaquín Ezpeleta and José-Manuel Colom), In IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, volume 11, 1995. |
[115] | A Colored Petri Net Model of VHDL (Serafín Olcoz), In Formal Methods in System Design, volume 7, 1995. |
[114] | Automatic synthesis of colored Petri nets for the control of FMS (Joaquín Ezpeleta), In IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, volume 13, 1997. |
[113] | Choice-free Petri nets: A model for deterministic concurrent systems with bulk services and arrivals (Enrique Teruel, José-Manuel Colom and Manuel Silva), In IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A, volume 27, 1997. |
[112] | Comments on "Deadlock avoidance policy for Petri net modeling of flexible manufacturing systems with shared resources (Fernando García-Vallés and José-Manuel Colom), In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, volume 45, 2000. |
[111] | A Banker's solution for deadlock avoidance in FMS with flexible routing and multiresource states (Joaquín Ezpeleta, Fernando Tricas and Fernando García-Vallés and José-Manuel Colom), In IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, volume 18, 2002. |
[110] | Banker's-like approaches to deadlock avoidance in concurrent systems (J Ezpeleta, Fernando Tricas, F García-Vallés and José-Manuel Colom), In IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, volume 18, 2002. |
[109] | Checking Redundancies in Supervisory Control. A Complexity Result (Fernando García-Vallés and José-Manuel Colom), In IFAC Proceedings Volumes, volume 35, 2002, 15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). |
[108] | Métrica de la blogosfera. Algunas medidas y relaciones en la blogosfera hispana (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós and Fernando Tricas), In Telos, 2005. |
[107] | Synthesis of asynchronous controllers using integer linear programming (Josep Carmona, José-Manuel Colom and Jordi Cortadella), In IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems, volume 25, 2006. |
[106] | Semantic interoperability based on Dublin Core hierarchical one-to-one mappings (Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz, Javier Nogueras-Iso, Rubén Béjar, Pedro R Muro-Medrano and Javier F Zarazaga-Soria), In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF METADATA SEMANTICS AND ONTOLOGIES, Inderscience, volume 1, 2006. |
[105] | El papel de Dublin Core en el desarrollo de las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (Francisco J Zarazaga-Soria, Javier Nogueras-Iso, Eva María Méndez-Rodríguez, Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz and PR Muro-Medrano), In Avances en las infraestructuras de datos espaciales, Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, volume 26, 2006. |
[104] | Location-Dependent Queries in Mobile Contexts: Distributed Processing Using Mobile Agents (S. Ilarri, E. Mena and A. Illarramendi), In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), ISSN 1536-1233, IEEE Computer Society, volume 5, 2006. |
[103] | Visualizing the evolution of a web-based social network (B Prieto, Fernando Tricas, J J Merelo, A Mora and A Prieto), In Journal of Network and Computer Applications, volume 31, 2008. |
[102] | NectaRSS, an intelligent RSS feed reader (J J Samper, P A Castillo, L Araujo, J J Merelo, O Cordón and Fernando Tricas), In J. Netw. Comput. Appl., Academic Press Ltd., volume 31, 2008. |
[101] | Using Cooperative Mobile Agents to Monitor Distributed and Dynamic Environments (S. Ilarri, E. Mena and A. Illarramendi), In Information Sciences, ISSN 0020-0255, Elsevier, volume 178, 2008. |
[100] | Behavioural Characterization for Network Anomaly Detection (Victor P Roche and Unai Arronategui), In Trans. Computational Science, volume 4, 2009. |
[99] | A reputation model for organisational supply chain formation (Roberto Centeno, Torres V da Silva and Ramón Hermoso), In Proc. of the 6th COIN@ AAMAS, volume 9, 2009. |
[98] | Mobile Agents and Mobile Devices: Friendship or Difficult Relationship? (Oscar Urra, Sergio Ilarri, Raquel Trillo and Eduardo Mena), In Journal of Physical Agents. Special Issue: Special Session on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems, ISSN 1888-0258, University of Alicante, volume 3, 2009. |
[97] | A System Based on Mobile Agents to Test Mobile Computing Applications (S. Ilarri, E. Mena and A. Illarramendi), In Journal of Network and Computer Applications, ISSN 1084-8045, Elsevier, volume 32, 2009. |
[96] | Adaptive exception handling for scientific workflows (Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz, José Ángel Bañares, Omer F Rana, Pedro Álvarez, Joaquín Ezpeleta and Andreas Hoheisel), In Concurrency and computation: Practice and experience, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., volume 22, 2010. |
[95] | An uncoordinated asynchronous checkpointing model for hierarchical scientific workflows (Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz, José Ángel Bañares, Pedro Álvarez, Joaquín Ezpeleta and Omer Rana), In Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Academic Press, volume 76, 2010. |
[94] | Location-Dependent Query Processing: Where We Are and Where We Are Heading (S. Ilarri, E. Mena and A. Illarramendi), In ACM Computing Surveys, ISSN 0360-0300, ACM, volume 42, 2010. |
[93] | Vehicular Event Sharing with a Mobile Peer-to-Peer Architecture (T. Delot, N. Cenerario and S. Ilarri), In Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, ISSN 0968-090X, Elsevier, volume 18, 2010. |
[92] | Organisational structures in next-generation distributed systems: Towards a technology of agreement 1 (Holger Billhardt, Roberto Centeno, Carlos E Cuesta, Alberto Fernández, Ramón Hermoso, Rubén Ortiz, Sascha Ossowski, Santiago J Pérez-Sotelo and Matteo Vasirani), In Multiagent and Grid Systems, IOS Press, volume 7, 2011. |
[91] | Enhancing MAS environments with organizational mechanisms (Sergio Esparcia, Estefania Argente, Roberto Centeno and Ramón Hermoso), In International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, World Scientific, volume 20, 2011. |
[90] | Event Sharing in Vehicular Networks Using Geographic Vectors and Maps (Thierry Delot, Sergio Ilarri, Nicolas Cenerario and Thomas Hien), In Mobile Information Systems, ISSN 1574-017X, IOS Press, volume 7, 2011. |
[89] | GeoVanet: A Routing Protocol for Query Processing in Vehicular Networks (Thierry Delot, Nathalie Mitton, Sergio Ilarri and Thomas Hien), In Mobile Information Systems, ISSN 1574-017X, IOS Press, volume 7, 2011. |
[88] | Autonomic streaming pipeline for scientific workflows (Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz, José Ángel Bañares and Omer F Rana), In Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Chichester, UK, volume 23, 2011. |
[87] | Semantics in Location-Based Services – Guest Editors' Introduction for Special Issue (Sergio Ilarri, Arantza lllarramendi, Eduardo Mena and Amit Sheth), In IEEE Internet Computing, ISSN 1089-7801, IEEE Computer Society, volume 15, 2011. |
[86] | Using Semantic Techniques to Access Web Data (Raquel Trillo, Laura Po, Sergio Ilarri, Sonia Bergamaschi and Eduardo Mena), In Information Systems. Special Issue: Semantic Integration of Data, Multimedia, and Services, ISSN 0306-4379, Elsevier, volume 36, 2011. |
[85] | An Approach to Process Continuous Location-Dependent Queries on Moving Objects with Support for Location Granules (Sergio Ilarri, Carlos Bobed and Eduardo Mena), In Journal of Systems and Software, ISSN 0164-1212, Elsevier, volume 84, 2011, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2011.03.082. |
[84] | Multi-scale query processing in vehicular networks (Thierry Delot, Sergio Ilarri, Marie Thilliez, Genoveva Vargas-Solar and Sylvain Lecomte), In Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, ISSN 1868-5137, Springer, volume 2, 2011. |
[83] | A Content-Based Dissemination Protocol for VANETs: Exploiting the Encounter Probability (Nicolas Cenerario, Thierry Delot and Sergio Ilarri), In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ISSN 1524-9050, IEEE Computer Society, volume 12, 2011, Special Issue on Exploiting Wireless Communication Technologies in Vehicular Transportation Networks. |
[82] | An algorithm to compute the minimal siphons in S$^4$PR nets (Elia E. Cano and Carlos A. Rovetto), In Discrete Event Dynamic Systems - Theory and Applications, volume 22, 2012. |
[81] | A Petri Net Perspective on the Resource Allocation Problem in Software Engineering (Juan-Pablo López-Grao and José-Manuel Colom), In Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency, Springer, volume 5, 2012. |
[80] | Alpha test-bed: A new approach for evaluating trust models (David Jelenc, Ramón Hermoso, Sascha Ossowski and Denis Trcek), In INFRASTRUCTURES AND TOOLS FOR MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS, 2012. |
[79] | A Friendly Location-Aware System to Facilitate the Work of Technical Directors When Broadcasting Sport Events (Sergio Ilarri, Eduardo Mena, Arantza Illarramendi, Roberto Yus, Maider Laka and Gorka Marcos), In Mobile Information Systems, ISSN 1574-017X, IOS Press, volume 8, 2012. |
[78] | Enforcing qos in scientific workflow systems enacted over cloud infrastructures (Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz, José Ángel Bañares, Congduc Pham and Omer F Rana), In Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Academic Press, volume 78, 2012. |
[77] | Una experiencia para la mejora del aprendizaje del modelado en Ingeniería del Software (Sergio Ilarri, José Merseguer, Raquel Trillo and Diego Pérez), In ReVisión, Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), ISSN 1989-1199, volume 5, 2012, 14 pages. |
[76] | Introduction to the Special Issue on Data Management in Vehicular Networks (Thierry Delot and Sergio Ilarri), In Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, ISSN 0968-090X, Elsevier, volume 23, 2012. |
[75] | A task routing approach to large-scale scheduling (Javier Celaya and Unai Arronategui), In Future Generation Comp. Syst., volume 29, 2013. |
[74] | Model checking software for phylogenetic trees using distribution and database methods (José-Ignacio Requeno), In Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, volume 10, 2013. |
[73] | Temporal Logics for Phylogenetic Analysis via Model Checking (José-Ignacio Requeno, Gregorio de Miguel Casado and Roberto Blanco), In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, volume 10, 2013. |
[72] | Persuading agents to act in the right way: An incentive-based approach (Roberto Centeno, Holger Billhardt and Ramón Hermoso), In Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, volume 26, 2013. |
[71] | Trust-based role coordination in task-oriented multiagent systems (Ramón Hermoso, Holger Billhardt and Sascha Ossowski), In Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier, volume 52, 2013. |
[70] | A Formalization for Semantic Location Granules (J. Bernad, C. Bobed, E. Mena and S. Ilarri), In International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Taylor & Francis, ISSN 1365-8816, volume 27, 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2012.739691. |
[69] | Decision making matters: A better way to evaluate trust models (David Jelenc, Ramón Hermoso, Jordi Sabater-Mir and Denis Trček), In Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier, volume 52, 2013. |
[68] | Context-Aware Modelling of Continuous Location-Dependent Queries in Indoor Environments (Imad Afyouni, Sergio Ilarri, Cyril Ray and Christophe Claramunt), In Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (JAISE), ISSN 1876-1364, IOS Press, volume 5, 2013, Special Issue on Context-Aware Systems. |
[67] | Sharing with Caution: Managing Parking Spaces in Vehicular Networks (Thierry Delot, Sergio Ilarri, Sylvain Lecomte and Nicolas Cenerario), In Mobile Information Systems, ISSN 1574-017X, IOS Press, volume 9, 2013. |
[66] | The VESPA Project: Driving Advances in Data Management for Vehicular Networks (Thierry Delot and Sergio Ilarri), In ERCIM News, 2013, Special Theme on Intelligent Vehicles as an Integral Part of Intelligent Transport Systems. |
[65] | Analyzing Phylogenetic Trees with Timed and Probabilistic Model Checking: The Lactose Persistence Case Study (José-Ignacio Requeno), In Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, volume 11, 2014. |
[64] | From blurry numbers to clear preferences: A mechanism to extract reputation in social networks (Ramón Hermoso, Roberto Centeno and Maria Fasli), In Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, volume 41, 2014. |
[63] | Multimedia Data Management in Mobile Computing (Sergio Ilarri, Florence Sèdes, Francesco De Natale and Alan Hanjalic), In IEEE Multimedia, ISSN 1070-986X, IEEE Computer Society, volume 21, 2014, introduction to special issue. |
[62] | Distributed Data Processing in Vehicular Networks using Mobile Agents (Óscar Urra and Sergio Ilarri), In Actas de la III Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, ISSN 2341-4790, Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón, volume 2, 2014. |
[61] | Researching Context-Aware Recommendation Systems in Mobile Environments (María del Carmen Rodríguez-Hernández and Sergio Ilarri), In Actas de la III Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, ISSN 2341-4790, Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón, volume 2, 2014. |
[60] | Stream Processing in the Context of CTS (Sergio Ilarri, Thomas Liebig, Steve Liang and Glenn Geers), In Dagstuhl Reports, ISSN 2192-5283, Social Issues in Computational Transportation Science (Dagstuhl Seminar 13512) (Glenn Geers, Monika Sester, Stephan Winter, Ouri E. Wolfson, eds.), Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH, volume 3, 2014. |
[59] | Towards Intelligent and Generic LBS for Drivers and Mobile Users (Sergio Ilarri), In Dagstuhl Reports, ISSN 2192-5283, Social Issues in Computational Transportation Science (Dagstuhl Seminar 13512) (Glenn Geers, Monika Sester, Stephan Winter, Ouri E. Wolfson, eds.), Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH, volume 3, 2014. |
[58] | HappyParking (Sergio di Martino, Rob Fitzpatrick, Sergio Ilarri and Ouri Wolfson), In Dagstuhl Reports, ISSN 2192-5283, Social Issues in Computational Transportation Science (Dagstuhl Seminar 13512) (Glenn Geers, Monika Sester, Stephan Winter, Ouri E. Wolfson, eds.), Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH, volume 3, 2014. |
[57] | Opportunistic Data Services in Least Developed Countries: Benefits, Challenges and Feasibility Issues (Nicolas Anciaux, Luc Bouganim, Thierry Delot, Sergio Ilarri, Leila Kloul, Nathalie Mitton and Philippe Pucheral), In SIGMOD Record, ACM, volume 43, 2014. |
[56] | Introduction to the Special Issue on Middleware for Mobile Data Management (Thierry Delot, Sergio Ilarri and Cristian Borcea), In Journal of Systems and Software, ISSN 0164-1212, Elsevier, volume 92, 2014. |
[55] | Semantic Management of Moving Objects in Smart Cities (Sergio Ilarri, Dragan Stojanovic and Cyril Ray), In ERCIM News, 2014, Special Theme on Smart Cities. |
[54] | Answering Continuous Description Logic Queries: Managing Static and Volatile Knowledge in Ontologies (Carlos Bobed, Fernando Bobillo, Sergio Ilarri and Eduardo Mena), In International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, IGI Global, ISSN 1552-6283, volume 10, 2014, https://dx.doi.org/10.4018/IJSWIS.2014070101. |
[53] | Flexible Access to Services in Smart Cities: Let SHERLOCK Advise Modern Citizens (Roberto Yus, Eduardo Mena, Sergio Ilarri and Arantza Illarramendi), In ERCIM News, Special Theme on Smart Cities, 2014. |
[52] | Folk-IS: Opportunistic Data Services in Least Developed Countries (Nicolas Anciaux, Luc Bouganim, Thierry Delot, Sergio Ilarri, Leila Kloul, Nathalie Mitton and Philippe Pucheral), In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), VLDB Endowment, volume 7, 2014, Vision Paper. 40th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2014), Hangzhou (China). |
[51] | Collaborative Sensing for Urban Transportation (Sergio Ilarri, Ouri Wolfson and Thierry Delot), In IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin (David Maier, V. M. Megler, Kristin Tufte, eds.), IEEE Computer Society, volume 37, 2014, Special Issue on Urban Informatics. |
[50] | SHERLOCK: Semantic Management of Location-Based Services in Wireless Environments (Roberto Yus, Eduardo Mena, Sergio Ilarri and Arantza Illarramendi), In Pervasive and Mobile Computing, ISSN 1574-1192, Elsevier, volume 15, 2014, Special Issue on Information Management in Mobile Applications. |
[49] | A PostgreSQL Extension for Continuous Path and Range Queries in Indoor Mobile Environments (Imad Afyouni, Cyril Ray, Sergio Ilarri and Christophe Claramunt), In Pervasive and Mobile Computing (Special Issue on Information Management in Mobile Applications), ISSN 1574-1192, Elsevier, volume 15, 2014. |
[48] | Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency. PETRI NETS 2013 - Preface (José-Manuel Colom, Jörg Desel and Jetty Kleijn), In Fundamenta Informaticae, volume 137, 2015. |
[47] | Fair scheduling of bag-of-tasks applications on large-scale platforms (Javier Celaya and Unai Arronategui), In Future Generation Comp. Syst., volume 49, 2015. |
[46] | On the inaccuracy of numerical ratings: dealing with biased opinions in social networks (Roberto Centeno, Ramón Hermoso and Maria Fasli), In Information Systems Frontiers, Springer, volume 17, 2015. |
[45] | From roles to standards: a dynamic maintenance approach using incentives (Ramón Hermoso, Henrique Lopes Cardoso and Maria Fasli), In Information Systems Frontiers, Springer, volume 17, 2015. |
[44] | Traitement Continu des Requêtes Dépendantes de la Localisation dans des Environnements Intérieurs (Imad Afyouni, Cyril Ray, Christophe Claramunt and Sergio Ilarri), In Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI), ISSN 0752-4072, Lavoisier, volume 34, 2015. |
[43] | A Data Management Perspective on Vehicular Networks (Sergio Ilarri, Thierry Delot and Raquel Trillo-Lado), In IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, ISSN 1553-877X, IEEE Computer Society, volume 17, 2015. |
[42] | Semantic Management of Moving Objects: A Vision Towards Smart Mobility (Sergio Ilarri, Dragan Stojanovic and Cyril Ray), In Expert Systems With Applications, ISSN 0957-4174, Elsevier, volume 42, 2015. |
[41] | Guest Editorial: Large-scale Data Management for Mobile Applications (Thierry Delot, Sandra Geisler, Sergio Ilarri and Christoph Quix), In Distributed and Parallel Databases, Print ISSN 0926-8782, Online ISSN 1573-7578, Springer, volume 34, 2015. |
[40] | Real-time Selection of Video Streams for Live TV Broadcasting Based on Query-by-Example Using a 3D Model (Roberto Yus, Sergio Ilarri and Eduardo Mena), In Multimedia Tools and Applications (Special Issue on Content Analysis and Indexing for Distributed Multimedia Search and Retrieval in Broadcasting), ISSN 1380-7501 (print version), ISSN 1573-7721 (electronic version), Springer, volume 74, 2015. |
[39] | MultiCAMBA: A System for Selecting Camera Views in Live Broadcasting of Sport Events Using a Dynamic 3D Model (Roberto Yus, Eduardo Mena, Sergio Ilarri, Arantza Illarramendi and Jorge Bernad), In Multimedia Tools and Applications, ISSN 1380-7501 (print version), ISSN 1573-7721 (electronic version), Springer, volume 74, 2015. |
[38] | A Review of the Role of Sensors in Mobile Context-Aware Recommendation Systems (Sergio Ilarri, Ramón Hermoso, Raquel Trillo-Lado and María del Carmen Rodríguez-Hernández), In International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, ISSN 1550-1329, Hindawi, volume 2015, 2015. |
[37] | Evaluation of properties over phylogenetic trees using stochastic logics (José-Ignacio Requeno), In BMC Bioinformatics, volume 17, 2016. |
[36] | An architecture for situation-aware evacuation guidance in smart buildings (Holger Billhardt, Jürgen Dunkel, Marin Lujak, Alberto Fernandez, Ramón Hermoso and Sascha Ossowski), In , 2016. |
[35] | Feedback-control & queueing theory-based resource management for streaming applications (Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz, Javier Diaz-Montes, Omer F Rana and Manish Parashar), In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, volume 28, 2016. |
[34] | Resource management for bursty streams on multi-tenancy cloud environments (Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz, José Ángel Bañares, Congduc Pham and Omer F Rana), In Future Generation Computer Systems, North-Holland, volume 55, 2016. |
[33] | Pull-Based Recommendations in Mobile Environments (María del Carmen Rodríguez-Hernández and Sergio Ilarri), In Computer Standards \\\\& Interfaces, ISSN 0920-5489, Elsevier, volume 44, 2016. |
[32] | Big Iron, Big Data, and Big Identity (A Craig, Marcio Assis, Luiz F Bittencourt, Stefano Nativi and Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz), In New Frontiers in High Performance Computing and Big Data, IOS Press, volume 30, 2017. |
[31] | A novel network-based analysis to measure efficiency in science and technology parks: the ISA framework approach (Pilar M Latorre, Ramón Hermoso and María A Rubio), In The Journal of Technology Transfer, Springer, volume 42, 2017. |
[30] | A distributed architecture for real-time evacuation guidance in large smart buildings (Marin Lujak, Holger Billhardt, Jürgen Dunkel, Alberto Fernández, Ramón Hermoso and Sascha Ossowski), In , 2017. |
[29] | Computational resource management for data-driven applications with deadline constraints (Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz, Javier Diaz-Montes, Omer F Rana, Manish Parashar, Erotokritos Xydas, Charalampos Marmaras, Panagiotis Papadopoulos and Liana Cipcigan), In Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Chichester, UK, volume 29, 2017. |
[28] | DBDAp: Una Herramienta de Apoyo a la Docencia de Bases de Datos y Almacenes de Datos (Sergio Ilarri), In ReVisión, Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), ISSN 1989-1199, volume 10, 2017, 29–53. |
[27] | An Approach Driven by Mobile Agents for Data Management in Vehicular Networks (Oscar Urra, Sergio Ilarri and Raquel Trillo-Lado), In Information Sciences, ISSN 0020-0255, Elsevier, volume 381, 2017. |
[26] | Handling Location Uncertainty in Probabilistic Location-Dependent Queries (Jorge Bernad, Carlos Bobed, Sergio Ilarri and Eduardo Mena), In Information Sciences, ISSN 0020-0255, Elsevier, volume 388–389, 2017. |
[25] | DataGenCARS: A Generator of Synthetic Data for the Evaluation of Context-Aware Recommendation Systems (María del Carmen Rodríguez-Hernández, Sergio Ilarri, Ramón Hermoso and Raquel Trillo-Lado), In Pervasive and Mobile Computing, ISSN 1574-1192, Elsevier, volume 38, 2017, Special Issue on Context-aware Mobile Recommender Systems. |
[24] | Probabilistic Location-Dependent Queries at Different Location Granularities (Carlos Bobed, Jorge Bernad, Sergio Ilarri and Eduardo Mena), In Pervasive and Mobile Computing, ISSN 1574-1192, Elsevier, volume 39, 2017. |
[23] | Long-Life Application – Situation Detection in a Context-Aware All-in-one Application (Riadh Karchoud, Arantza Illarramendi, Sergio Ilarri, Philippe Roose and Marc Dalmau), In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Print ISSN 1617-4909, Online ISSN 1617-4917, Springer, volume 21, 2017. |
[22] | Model-driven development of data intensive applications over cloud resources (Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz and José-Ángel Bañares), In Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 87, 2018. |
[21] | Estimating global opinions by keeping users from fraud in online review systems (Roberto Centeno and Ramón Hermoso), In Knowledge and Information Systems, Springer, volume 55, 2018. |
[20] | Characterising resource management performance in Kubernetes (Víctor Medel, Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz, José Ángel Bañares, Unai Arronategui and Omer F Rana), In Computers & Electrical Engineering, Pergamon, volume 68, 2018. |
[19] | Model-driven development of data intensive applications over cloud resources (Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz, José Ángel Bañares and José-Manuel Colom), In Future Generation Computer Systems, North-Holland, volume 87, 2018. |
[18] | A Survey of Modelling Trends in Temporal GIS (Willington Siabato, Christophe Claramunt, Sergio Ilarri and Miguel Ángel Manso-Callejo), In ACM Computing Surveys, ISSN 0360-0300, ACM, volume 51, 2018, Additional online appendix, 61 pages (App-1-App-61). |
[17] | Modular Petri net modeling of healthcare systems (Cristian Mahulea, Liliana Mahulea, Juan-Manuel García-Soriano and José-Manuel Colom), In Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, volume 30, 2018. |
[16] | Desarrollo de Nuevas Técnicas de Gestión de Datos para Entornos Móviles: Profundizando en las Recomendaciones Móviles (Yanelys Betancourt and Sergio Ilarri), In Actas de la VIII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, ISSN 2341-4790, Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón, volume 7, 2019. |
[15] | Towards the Exploitation of Data 4.0 in Health Environments (Carlos Tellería, Segio Ilarri and Enrique Bernal), In Actas de la VIII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, ISSN 2341-4790, Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón, volume 7, 2019. |
[14] | A Dynamic Data-throttling Approach to Minimize Workflow Imbalance (Ricardo J Rodríguez, Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz and Omer F Rana), In ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), ACM, volume 19, 2019. |
[13] | Mining Social Networks for Local Search and Location-Based Recommender Systems (Fabio Gasparetti, Damianos Gavalas, Sergio Ilarri, Francesco Ricci and Zhiwen Yu), In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Print ISSN 1617-4909 Online ISSN 1617-4917, Springer, volume 23, 2019. |
[12] | Spatial Crowdsourcing with Mobile Agents in Vehicular Networks (Oscar Urra and Sergio Ilarri), In Vehicular Communications, ISSN 2214-2096, Elsevier, volume 17, 2019. |
[11] | One App to Rule Them All: Collaborative Injection of Situations in an Adaptable Context-Aware Application (Riadh Karchoud, Philippe Roose, Marc Dalmau, Arantza Illarramendi and Sergio Ilarri), In Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Print ISSN 1868-5137, Online ISSN 1868-5145, Springer, volume 10, 2019. |
[10] | Towards Improving Agriculture Sustainability through Multifactorial Machine Learning (Francisco José Lacueva Pérez, Rafael del-Hoyo-Alonso, Juan José Barriuso Vargas and Sergio Ilarri Artigas), In Actas de la IX Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, ISSN 2341-4790, Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón, volume 8, 2020. |
[9] | Fully Charged: Characterizing the Data Requirements of Services and Apps to Optimize the Use of Energy (Jorge Andrés-Larracoechea, Philippe Roose and Sergio Ilarri), In Actas de la IX Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, ISSN 2341-4790, Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón, volume 8, 2020. |
[8] | Semantic Traffic Sensor Data: The TRAFAIR Experience (Federico Desimoni, Sergio Ilarri, Laura Po, Federica Rollo and Raquel Trillo-Lado), In Applied Sciences, ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI AG, volume 10, 2020, Article number: 5882. Special Issue on Smart Data and Semantics in a Sensor World. |
[7] | Applying Machine Learning for Healthcare: A Case Study on Cervical Pain Assessment with Motion Capture (Juan De la Torre, Javier Marín, Sergio Ilarri and José J. Marín), In Applied Sciences, ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI AG, volume 10, 2020, Article number: 5942. Special Issue on Medical Informatics and Data Analysis. |
[6] | Special Issue on Smart Data and Semantics in a Sensor World (Editorial) (Sergio Ilarri, Laura Po and Raquel Trillo-Lado), In Applied Sciences, ISSN 2076-3417, MDPI AG, volume 10, 2020, Article number: 6355. Special Issue on Smart Data and Semantics in a Sensor World. |
[5] | Asymptotic Divergences and Strong Dichotomy (X. Huang, J.H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo and D. Stull), In IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, volume 67, 2021. |
[4] | Dimension and the structure of complexity classes (J. H. Lutz, N. Lutz and E. Mayordomo), In , 2021, submitted. |
[3] | AI-Based Mobile Context-Aware Recommender Systems from an Information Management Perspective: Progress and Directions (María del Carmen Rodríguez-Hernández and Sergio Ilarri), In Knowledge-Based Systems, ISSN 0950-7051, Elsevier, volume 215, 2021. |
[2] | Traffic and Pollution Modelling for Air Quality Awareness: An Experience in the City of Zaragoza (Sergio Ilarri, Raquel Trillo-Lado and Lorena Marrodán), In Springer Nature Computer Science, ISSN 2661-8907, Springer, volume 3, 2022, Special Issue on Web Information Systems and Technologies 2021. |
[1] | Big Data and Machine Learning to Improve European Grapevine Moth (Lobesia botrana) Predictions (Joaquín Balduque-Gil, Francisco J. Lacueva-Pérez, Gorka Labata-Lezaun, Rafael del-Hoyo-Alonso, Sergio Ilarri, Eva Sánchez-Hernández, Pablo Martín-Ramos and Juan J. Barriuso-Vargas), In Plants, ISSN 2223-7747, MDPI AG, volume 12, 2023, Article number: 633. Topic Collection on Application of AI in Plants. |