Petri Net Based Analysis of VHDL Programs (bibtex)
by Serafín Olcoz
Petri Net Based Analysis of VHDL Programs (Serafín Olcoz), In Actas de la Segunda Reunión sobre Paralelismo, 1991.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Seraf{\'{\i}}n Olcoz and Jos{\'{e}}-Manuel Colom},
  booktitle = {Actas de la Segunda Reuni\'on sobre Paralelismo},
  title     = {Petri Net Based Analysis of {VHDL} Programs},
  year      = {1991},
  address   = {San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid, Espa\~na},
  month     = {September},
  pages     = {115-127},
  groups    = {silarri:6},
  keywords  = {Petri Net Analysis, Petri Net Modelling, Digital Circuits, VHDL Language},
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