VHDL Through the Looking Glass (bibtex)
by Serafín Olcoz
VHDL Through the Looking Glass (Serafín Olcoz), In Proceedings of the VHDL-Forum for CAD in Europe, 1993.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Seraf{\'{\i}}n Olcoz and Jos{\'{e}}-Manuel Colom},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the VHDL-Forum for CAD in Europe},
  title     = {{VHDL} Through the Looking Glass},
  year      = {1993},
  address   = {Innsbruck/Igls, Austria},
  month     = {March},
  pages     = {58-68},
  groups    = {silarri:6},
  keywords  = {Discrete Event Systems Simulation, Digital Circuits, VHDL Language},
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