Analysis of the Influence of Diffeomorphic Normalization in the Prediction of Stable VS Progressive MCI Conversion with Convolutional Neural Networks (bibtex)
by U. Ramon-Julvez, M. Hernandez, E. Mayordomo and ADNI
Analysis of the Influence of Diffeomorphic Normalization in the Prediction of Stable VS Progressive MCI Conversion with Convolutional Neural Networks (U. Ramon-Julvez, M. Hernandez, E. Mayordomo and ADNI), In 17th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2020), 2020.
Bibtex Entry:
  author         = {U. Ramon-Julvez and M. Hernandez and E. Mayordomo and ADNI},
  booktitle      = {17th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2020)},
  title          = {Analysis of the Influence of Diffeomorphic Normalization in the Prediction of Stable VS Progressive MCI Conversion with Convolutional Neural Networks},
  year           = {2020},
  pages          = {1120--1124},
  comment_cosmos = {No ACK to COSMOS},
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