A Review of the Report: A Formal Semantics of VHDL (bibtex)
by Serafín Olcoz, Fernando García-Vallés, Joaquín Ezpeleta
A Review of the Report: A Formal Semantics of VHDL (Serafín Olcoz, Fernando García-Vallés, Joaquín Ezpeleta), Technical report, Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica e Informática, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1993.
Bibtex Entry:
  author      = {Seraf{\'{\i}}n Olcoz, Fernando Garc\'{\i}a-Vall\'es, Joaqu{\'{\i}}n Ezpeleta and Jos{\'{e}}-Manuel Colom},
  institution = {Departamento de Ingenier\'{\i}a El\'ectrica e Inform\'atica, Universidad de Zaragoza},
  title       = {A Review of the Report: A Formal Semantics of {VHDL}},
  year        = {1993},
  address     = {Zaragoza, Espa\~na},
  month       = {June},
  type        = {Technical Report},
  groups      = {silarri:6},
  keywords    = {Petri Net Modelling, Digital Circuits, VHDL Language},
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