Publications of the COSMOS Research Group
[8]Análisis de programas concurrentes mediante Redes de Petri (, and ), In Actas del VI Congreso de Automática e Informática de la AEIA, . [bibtex]
[7]On software implementation of Petri Nets and Colored Petri Nets using high-level concurrent languages (, and ), In Proceedings of the Seventh European Workshop on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, . [bibtex]
[6]Liveness, Schedulers and Petri Nets. Application to the Detection of Ada Tasking Deadlocks (, and ), Technical report 92-12, Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica e Informática, Universidad de Zaragoza, . [bibtex]
[5]Proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE’07). Siedlce(Poland): University of Podlasie, Institute of Computer Science, 2007, (Daniel Moldt, Fabrice Kordon, Kees van Hee, José-Manuel Colom, Rémi Bastide, eds.), . [bibtex]
[4] The Resource Allocation Problem in Software Applications: A Petri Net Perspective (), In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering - PNSE'10 (Michael Duvigneau, Daniel Moldt, eds.), Universität Hamburg, volume Bericht 294, . [bibtex] [url]
[3] On the deadlock analysis of multithreaded control software (), In IEEE 16th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation, ETFA 2011, Toulouse, France, September 5-9, 2011 (Zoubir Mammeri, ed.), IEEE, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[2] A Petri Net Perspective on the Resource Allocation Problem in Software Engineering (), In Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency, Springer, volume 5, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[1] The Resource Allocation Problem in Software Applications: A Petri Net Perspective (), In Recent Advances in Petri Nets and Concurrency (Susanna Donatelli, Jetty Kleijn, Ricardo Jorge Machado, João M. Fernandes, eds.),, volume 827, . [bibtex] [pdf]
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