Publications of the COSMOS Research Group
[59]Packages for validating discrete production systems modeled with Petri nets (, and ), Chapter in Applied Modelling and Simulation of Technological Systems (P. Borne, S.G. Tzafestas, eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), . [bibtex]
[58] On the Computation of Structural Synchronic Invariants in P/T Nets (), Chapter in Advances in Petri Nets 1988, covers the 8th European Workshop on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, held in Zaragoza, Spain in June 1987, selected papers (Grzegorz Rozenberg, ed.), Springer, volume 340, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[57] Improving the linearly based characterization of P/T nets ( and ), Chapter in Advances in Petri Nets 1990 [10th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, Bonn, Germany, June 1989, Proceedings] (Grzegorz Rozenberg, ed.), Springer, volume 483, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[56] Convex geometry and semiflows in P/T nets. A comparative study of algorithms for computation of minimal P-semiflows ( and ), Chapter in Advances in Petri Nets 1990 [10th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, Bonn, Germany, June 1989, Proceedings] (Grzegorz Rozenberg, ed.), Springer, volume 483, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[55]Petri net Based Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Pipelined Architectures (, and ), Chapter in Parallel and Distributed Computing in Engineering Systems (P. Tzafestas et alt., ed.), North-Holland, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., . [bibtex]
[54]Improving throughput upper bounds for net based models (, and ), Chapter in Robotics and Flexible Manufacturing Systems (S.G. Tzafestas, J.C. Gentina, eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), . [bibtex]
[53]Linear Algebraic Techniques for the Analysis of Petri Nets (, and ), Chapter in Recent Advances in Mathematical Theory of Systems, Control, Networks, and Signal Processing II, Mita Press, . [bibtex]
[52] On Weighted T-Systems (, and ), Chapter in Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1992, 13th International Conference, Sheffield, UK, June 22-26, 1992, Proceedings (Kurt Jensen, ed.), Springer, volume 616, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[51] A Petri Net Approach for the Analysis of VHDL Descriptions (), Chapter in Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods, IFIP WG 10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference, CHARME'93, Arles, France, May 24-26, 1993, Proceedings (George J. Milne, Laurence Pierre, eds.), Springer, volume 683, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[50]Modelling and Analysis of Deterministic Concurrent Systems with Bulk Services and Arrivals (, and ), Chapter in Decentralized and Distributed Systems, Proceedings of the IFIP WG10.3 International Conference on Decentralized and Distributed Systems, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 13-17 September 1993 (Michel Cosnard, Ramón Puigjaner, eds.), North-Holland, volume A-39, . [bibtex]
[49] Implementation of Weighted Place/Transition Nets Based on Linear Enabling Functions (), Chapter in Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1994, 15th International Conference, Zaragoza, Spain, June 20-24, 1994, Proceedings (Robert Valette, ed.), Springer, volume 815, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[48] Operational Analysis of Timed Petri Nets and Application to the Computation of Performance Bounds (, , , and ), Chapter in Performance Evaluation of parallel and distributed systems. Solution Methods. - Proceedings of the third QMIPS workshop. Part 2 (O.J. Boxma, G.M. Koole, eds.), Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, volume 106, . [bibtex] [url]
[47] Functional and performance analysis of cooperating sequential processes (, , and ), Chapter in 11th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems Discrete Event Systems (Guy Cohen, Jean-Pierre Quadrat, eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, volume 199, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[46] Functional and Performance Analysis of Cooperating Sequential Processes (, , and ), Chapter in Performance Evaluation of parallel and distributed systems. Solution Methods. - Proceedings of the third QMIPS workshop. Part 2 (O.J. Boxma, G.M. Koole, eds.), Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, volume 106, . [bibtex] [url]
[45] Approximate Throughput Computation of Stochastic Marked Graphs (, , and ), Chapter in Quantitative Methods in Parallel Systems (François Baccelli, Alain Jean-Marie, Isi Mitrani, eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[44] Operational Analysis of Timed Petri Nets and Application to the Computation of Performance Bounds (, , , and ), Chapter in Quantitative Methods in Parallel Systems (François Baccelli, Alain Jean-Marie, Isi Mitrani, eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[43] Functional and Performance Analysis of Cooperating Sequential Processes (, , and ), Chapter in Quantitative Methods in Parallel Systems (François Baccelli, Alain Jean-Marie, Isi Mitrani, eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[42]Chapter 14 – Introduction to Verification ( and ), Chapter in Systems Engineering: A Petri Net Based Approach to Modelling, Verification and Implementation, HCM-MATCH Advanced Schools. Jaca, Spain, September, 14-22, 1998, Kronos, Zaragoza, . [bibtex]
[41]Chapter 16 - Structural Methods (, , and ), Chapter in Systems Engineering: A Petri Net Based Approach to Modelling, Verification and Implementation, HCM-MATCH Advanced Schools. Jaca, Spain, September, 14-22, 1998, Kronos, Zaragoza, . [bibtex]
[40]Chapter 6 - Logical Properties of P/T Systems and their Analysis (, and ), Chapter in Performance Models for Discrete Event Systems with Synchronisations: Formalisms and Analysis Techniques - Vol.1, HCM-MATCH Advanced Schools. Jaca, Spain, September, 14-22, 1998, Kronos, Zaragoza, . [bibtex]
[39]Chapter 6 - Properties (, and ), Chapter in Systems Engineering: A Petri Net Based Approach to Modelling, Verification and Implementation, HCM-MATCH Advanced Schools. Jaca, Spain, September, 14-22, 1998, Kronos, Zaragoza, . [bibtex]
[38] A Class of Well Structured Petri Nets for Flexible Manufacturing Systems ( and ), Chapter in Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1998, 19th International Conference, ICATPN '98, Lisbon, Portugal, June 22-26, 1998, Proceedings (Jörg Desel, Manuel Silva, eds.), Springer, volume 1420, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[37] Linear Algebraic and Linear Programming Techniques for the Analysis of Place or Transition Net Systems ( and ), Chapter in Lectures on Petri Nets I: Basic Models, Advances in Petri Nets, the volumes are based on the Advanced Course on Petri Nets, held in Dagstuhl, September 1996 (Wolfgang Reisig, Grzegorz Rozenberg, eds.), Springer, volume 1491, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[36] Structurally Safe Net Systems (, and ), Chapter in Discrete Event Systems: Analysis and Control (R. Boel., G. Stremersch, eds.), Springer US, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[35] An Iterative Method for Deadlock Prevention in FMS (, and ), Chapter in Discrete Event Systems: Analysis and Control (Boel, R., Stremersch, G., eds.), Springer US, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[34]Verificación de propiedades en Redes de Petri (), Chapter in Sistemas Distribuidos: Modelos y Aplicaciones. XI Escuela de Verano de Informática. Albacete, 11 a 13 de julio de 2001 (Valentín Valero, ed.), Departamento de Informática Escuela Politécnica Superior de Albacete. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, . [bibtex]
[33] The Resource Allocation Problem in Flexible Manufacturing Systems (), Chapter in Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2003, 24th International Conference, ICATPN 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 23-27, 2003, Proceedings (Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Eike Best, eds.), Springer, volume 2679, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[32] Chapter 15 - Structural Methods (, , and ), Chapter in Petri Nets for Systems Engineering. A Guide to Modeling, Verification, and Applications (Claude Girault, Rüdiger Valk, eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[31] Chapter 5 - Properties (, and ), Chapter in Petri Nets for Systems Engineering. A Guide to Modeling, Verification, and Applications (Claude Girault, Rüdiger Valk, eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[30]Structural Analysis of Signal Transition Graphs based on Linear Algebraic Techniques ( and ), Chapter in Petri Net Approaches for Modelling and Validation (Wil van der Aalst, José-Manuel Colom, Fabrice Kordon, Gabriela Kotsis, Daniel Moldt, eds.), Lincom Pub. Co., volume 1, . [bibtex]
[29] Resource Allocation Systems: Some Complexity Results on the S$^4$PR Class (), Chapter in Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - FORTE 2006, 26th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, Paris, France, September 26-29, 2006. (Elie Najm, Jean-François Pradat-Peyre, Véronique Donzeau-Gouge, eds.), Springer, volume 4229, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[28] Analyzing a Web-Based Social Network Using Kohonen's SOM (, , and ), Chapter in Computational and Ambient Intelligence (Francisco Sandoval, Alberto Prieto, Joan Cabestany, Manuel Graña, eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, volume 4507, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[27]A trust-based provider recommender for mobile devices in semantic environments (, , and ), Chapter in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Springer, . [bibtex]
[26] Phylogenetic Analysis Using an SMV Tool (, and ), Chapter in 5th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, PACBB 2011, April 6-8, 2011, Salamanca, Spain (Miguel P. Rocha, Juan M. Corchado Rodríguez, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Alfonso Valencia, eds.), Springer, volume 93, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[25] Sliced Model Checking for Phylogenetic Analysis (, and ), Chapter in 6th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Salamanca, Spain (Miguel P. Rocha, Nicholas M. Luscombe, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Juan M. Corchado Rodríguez, eds.), Springer, volume 154, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[24] Compact Representation of Biological Sequences Using Set Decision Diagrams (), Chapter in 6th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Salamanca, Spain (Miguel P. Rocha, Nicholas M. Luscombe, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Juan M. Corchado Rodríguez, eds.), Springer, volume 154, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[23]A Reputation Framework Based on Stock Markets for Selecting Accurate Information Sources (), Chapter in Highlights on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Springer, . [bibtex]
[22] Structural Methods for the Control of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems - The Case of the Resource Allocation Problem (), Chapter in Control of Discrete-Event Systems (Carla Seatzu, Manuel Silva, Jan H. van Schuppen, eds.), Springer, volume 433, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[21] Speeding Up Phylogenetic Model Checking (), Chapter in 7th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, PACBB 2013, 22-14 May, 2013, Salamanca, Spain (Mohd Saberi Mohamad, Loris Nanni, Miguel P. Rocha, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, eds.), Springer, volume 222, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[20]Policies for role maintenance through incentives: how to keep agents on track (, and ), Chapter in Agreement Technologies, Springer, . [bibtex]
[19]Extracting reputation with knock-out tournament-based pairwise elicitation in complex social networks (, and ), Chapter in Agreement Technologies, Springer, . [bibtex]
[18]Dynamically maintaining standards using incentives ( and ), Chapter in Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems, Springer, . [bibtex]
[17] Timed and Probabilistic Model Checking over Phylogenetic Trees (), Chapter in 8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, PACBB 2014, 4-6 June, 2014, Salamanca, Spain (Julio Saez-Rodríguez, Miguel P. Rocha, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Juan F. De Paz Santana, eds.), Springer, volume 294, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[16] Towards Petri Net-Based Economical Analysis for Streaming Applications Executed Over Cloud Infrastructures (), Chapter in Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services - 11th International Conference, GECON 2014, Cardiff, UK, September 16-18, 2014. Revised Selected Papers. (Jörn Altmann, Kurt Vanmechelen, Omer F. Rana, eds.), Springer, volume 8914, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[15] A Specification Language for Performance and Economical Analysis of Short Term Data Intensive Energy Management Services ( and ), Chapter in Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services - 12th International Conference, GECON 2015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 15-17, 2015, Revised Selected Papers (Jörn Altmann, Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi, Omer F. Rana, eds.), Springer, volume 9512, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[14] On Autonomic Platform-as-a-Service: Characterisation and Conceptual Model (), Chapter in Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications, 9th KES International Conference, KES-AMSTA, 2015 Sorrento, Italy, June 17-19, 2015, Proceedings (Gordan Jezic, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain, eds.), Springer, volume 38, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[13]On autonomic platform-as-a-service: characterisation and conceptual model (, and ), Chapter in Agent and multi-agent systems: Technologies and applications, Springer, Cham, . [bibtex]
[12] Chapter 11 - Adapted Design Methodology to IEC 61499 for Distributed Control Applications of Machine Tools (, , and ), Chapter in Distributed Control Applications: Guidelines, Design Patterns, and Application Examples with the IEC 61499 (Alois Zoitl, Thomas Strasser, eds.), CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[11] Chapter 7 - Structural deadlock prevention policies for Flexible Manufacturing Systems. A Petri net outlook (, and ), Chapter in Formal Methods in Manufacturing (Javier Campos, Carla Seatzu, Xiaolan Xie, eds.), CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[10]Answering Continuous Description Logic Queries: Managing Static and Volatile Knowledge in Ontologies (, , and ), Chapter in Mobile Computing and Wireless Networks: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGI Global, . [bibtex]
[9] Distributed Simulation of Complex and Scalable Systems: From Models to the Cloud (, and ), Chapter in Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services - 13th International Conference, GECON 2016, Athens, Greece, September 20-22, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (José-Ángel Bañares, Konstantinos Tserpes, Jörn Altmann, eds.), Springer, volume 10382, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[8] Chapter 14 - Control Software for Cutting Glass Machine Tool Built Using COSME Platform: Case Study (, , , and ), Chapter in Distributed Control Applications: Guidelines, Design Patterns, and Application Examples with the IEC 61499 (Alois Zoitl, Thomas Strasser, eds.), CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[7]Cloud federations: requirements, properties, and architectures (, , and ), Chapter in Developing Interoperable and Federated Cloud Architecture, IGI Global, . [bibtex]
[6]A proposal for situation-aware evacuation guidance based on semantic technologies (, , , , and ), Chapter in Multi-agent Systems and Agreement Technologies, Springer, . [bibtex]
[5]Data Management for VANETs (), Chapter in Encyclopedia of Database Systems (Ling Liu, M. Tamer Özsu, eds.), Springer, , Second Edition. [bibtex] [doi]
[4]Mobile Resource Search (), Chapter in Encyclopedia of Database Systems (Ling Liu, M. Tamer Özsu, eds.), Springer, , Second Edition. [bibtex] [doi]
[3] Model and Simulation Engines for Distributed Simulation of Discrete Event Systems (), Chapter in Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services - 15th International Conference, GECON 2018, Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2018, Proceedings (Massimo Coppola, Emanuele Carlini, Daniele D'Agostino, Jörn Altmann, José-Ángel Bañares, eds.), Springer, volume 11113, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[2] Towards an Architecture Proposal for Federation of Distributed DES simulators ( and ), Chapter in Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services - 16th International Conference, GECON 2019, Leeds, UK, September 17-19, 2019, Proceedings, Springer, volume 11819, . [bibtex] [url] [doi]
[1]Algorithmic fractal dimensions in geometric measure theory ( and ), Chapter in Handbook of Computability and Complexity in Analysis (Vasco Brattka, Peter Hertling, eds.), Springer-Verlag, . [bibtex]
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