The VESPA Project: Driving Advances in Data Management for Vehicular Networks (bibtex)
by Thierry Delot and Sergio Ilarri
The VESPA Project: Driving Advances in Data Management for Vehicular Networks (Thierry Delot and Sergio Ilarri), In ERCIM News, 2013, Special Theme on Intelligent Vehicles as an Integral Part of Intelligent Transport Systems.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Thierry Delot and Sergio Ilarri},
  journal = {ERCIM News},
  month = {July},
  note = {Special Theme on Intelligent Vehicles as an Integral Part of Intelligent Transport Systems},
  number = {94},
  pages = {17--18},
  title = {The {VESPA Project}: {D}riving Advances in Data Management for Vehicular Networks},
  year = {2013},
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