Asymptotic Divergences and Strong Dichotomy (bibtex)
by X. Huang, J.H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo and D. Stull
Asymptotic Divergences and Strong Dichotomy (X. Huang, J.H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo and D. Stull), In IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, volume 67, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
  author         = {X. Huang and J.H. Lutz and E. Mayordomo and D. Stull},
  journal        = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory},
  title          = {Asymptotic Divergences and Strong Dichotomy},
  year           = {2021},
  number         = {10},
  pages          = {6296--6305},
  volume         = {67},
  comment_cosmos = {No ACK to COSMOS},
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