by Carlos Tellería, Sergio Ilarri and Carlos Sánchez
Text Mining of Medical Documents in Spanish: Semantic Annotation and Detection of Recommendations (Carlos Tellería, Sergio Ilarri and Carlos Sánchez), In 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2020), SCITEPRESS, ISBN 978-989-758-478-7, volume 1, 2020, Online conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Carlos Teller\'{\i}a and Sergio Ilarri and Carlos S\'{a}nchez},
booktitle = {16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2020)},
month = {November},
volume = {1},
pages = {197--208},
publisher = {SCITEPRESS, ISBN 978-989-758-478-7},
title = {Text Mining of Medical Documents in {Spanish}: Semantic Annotation and Detection of Recommendations},
year = {2020},
note = {Online conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic},
doi = {10.5220/0010059101970208},