Publications of the COSMOS Research Group
[3]SHERLOCK: Semantic Management of Location-Based Services in Wireless Environments (, , and ), In Pervasive and Mobile Computing, ISSN 1574-1192, Elsevier, volume 15, , Special Issue on Information Management in Mobile Applications. [bibtex]
[2]DataGenCARS: A Generator of Synthetic Data for the Evaluation of Context-Aware Recommendation Systems (, , and ), In Pervasive and Mobile Computing, ISSN 1574-1192, Elsevier, volume 38, , Special Issue on Context-aware Mobile Recommender Systems. [bibtex]
[1]Probabilistic Location-Dependent Queries at Different Location Granularities (, , and ), In Pervasive and Mobile Computing, ISSN 1574-1192, Elsevier, volume 39, . [bibtex]
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